Weekly Thoughts on Recruiting...

Now that you have a list of (1) why you want to leave your firm or company and (2) what you like about your current firm, it is time to move to the next step.

Take 15 minutes to write (or type) out a paragraph on what your ideal future employer looks like making sure to include all the items above. You can shoot for the Moon but I think it is better to have a fair and reasonable sense of reality. Really focus on what is driving you to leave.

Here are just some reasons I have discussed with candidates over the last 15 years:

Focus on the practice area you thought you were hired to assist

More hands-on experience

A larger diversity of clients and work

Larger clients

Better supervision and mentorship

Collegial office

More client contact

More peers

Next we start the job search. Always remember to keep your intention to leave your current employer confidential.